IPSymcon JSON API Wrapper 7.0 (IPS V7.0)
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icinga/nagios check configuration steps

icinga/nagios check configuration steps

Icinga Konfiguration
#resource definition
#add path to the scripts (etc/ownchecks)
#define ips host/port and auth to connect
$USER3$=-H ips -P 82 -u apiuser -p apipass
#or use config file IPS_JSON_config.cfg with -c option as below
#IPS_JSON_config.cfg for PHP and Perl
#commandline parameter will have precedence over this
#this code will be executed by the calling script, no <? ?> Tags allowed
#Command definition
#create new file for icinga commands (ips_commands.cfg in etc/templates)
define command {
#special multi variable check
command_name check_ips_temperature
command_line $USER2$/check_ips_temperature_json.pl -c $USER2$/IPS_JSON_config.cfg -H $ARG1$ -t $ARG2$ -f $ARG3$ $ARG4$
define command {
#single variable check
command_name check_ips_perl
command_line $USER2$/check_ips_json.pl -f $USER2$/IPS_JSON_config.cfg -H $ARG1$ -i $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$
define command {
#single variable check
command_name check_ips_php
command_line $USER2$/check_ips_json.php -f $USER2$/IPS_JSON_config.cfg -H $ARG1$ -i $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$
#Service definition
#ips.cfg in etc/servers anlegen und anpassen
define host{
use windows-server ; Inherit default values from a template
host_name ips ; The name we're giving to this server
alias IPS Server ; A longer name for the server
address 192.168.xxx.yyy ; IP address of the server
#ips checks
define service {
use generic-service,srv-pnp
host_name ips
service_description Temperatur Terasse
check_command check_ips_temperature!$HOSTADDRESS$!10295!44934!-a 300
notification_interval 0
define service {
use generic-service,srv-pnp
host_name ips
service_description Stromverbrauch
check_command check_ips_perl!$HOSTADDRESS!50474!-a 600
notification_interval 0
#sample call with IPS_JSON_config
./check_ips_json.php -i 43491
OK - HMS_Temperatur_2:-18.3 ¦C, Age=128s |HMS_Temperatur_2=-18.3;;;;